Articles & Insights into the world of handwriting.

Emily Bronte and the Emotional Turmoil in her Handwriting

Emily Bronte and the emotional turmoil in her handwriting

I can safely say that two of the most memorable books that I admired and enjoyed were Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

But there was another sister also – Anne Bronte who wrote “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.” I found it fascinating.

These books stand out as examples of excellence in classical literature. But for a long time no one knew who the real authors were because as women they felt it necessary to disguise their gender.

In those days it was generally accepted that only men wrote publishable books. So the sisters used the male pseudonyms of Currer, Ellis & Acton Bell keeping to the initials of C for Charlotte, E for Emily and A for Anne.

Pseudonyms of the Bronte sisters

While the Bronte sisters saw life through their own individual lenses they were all introverts and their separate handwritings give strong evidence to support this.

Emotion and Intensity

All the Bronte books have a brooding, gothic background but none of them quite reaches the level of emotional intensity that we find in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights

Emily was silent and shy and kept herself isolated but she loved wandering alone in the moors where the wild landscape would be captured and featured as an essential part of Wuthering Heights.

Emily’s passionate nature was tightly controlled but all that emotion and intensity is reflected in her handwriting  So it’s hardly surprising that it carried over into Wuthering Heights.

There are several videos on the Bronte saga on Youtube. One in particular is aptly called “Emily Bronte the Strange One” and interestingly it suggests autism.

So of course I had to take a look at Emily’s handwriting.

Emily bronte - emotional intense handwriting

Emotional Handwriting of Emily Bronte

One of the interesting things about handwriting is that is reveals emotions and the emotional turmoil that we can see in Emily’s handwriting is almost palpable. How naturally those restless emotions spilled over from her personality into her book.

The dark, brooding intensity in Emily’s handwriting was a portent of the  passion that was to permeate Wuthering Heights.  It speaks volumes about her frustration and repression because of the strict moral Calvinistic climate in which she was trapped.

Her handwriting is very disturbed and there is inconsistency everywhere. It’s a strange creative mix of tension and originality.

Evidence of her inner conflict can be seen in the juxtaposition of the strong t-bars, the inconsistencies and variable pressure.

The untamed combination of passion, creativity and independent thinking add up to make Wuthering Heights such a powerful and memorable book.

So why my sudden Bronte binge?

Well actually it isn’t so sudden. A while ago I wrote a piece about the discovery of Charlotte Bronte’s secret love letters. Who would have thought she would ever be involved in an illicit love affair!

You can read about it and see Charlotte’s handwriting here.

Do subscribe to The Graphology Review for more intriguing handwriting sagas – it’s free and your interest inspires me to write more of these articles





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