Articles & Insights into the world of handwriting.

Graphology Academy

Master the Art of Handwriting Analysis.

Graphology is all about people and personality. It concerns us all and we can all benefit from the amazing insights it gives us.

And because graphology is all about understanding people  it is a subject that can best be learned with the help of a personal coach and mentor. And that is why I have made myself available to my students. If you need help with your studies or simply need some encouragement I am here to help. Contact me if you would like some advice with regard to choosing the course that is right for you. More about me here. Begin your journey in personality assessment and self-discovery


In today’s world there are simply too many buttons to press and too few people to answer your questions. You won’t find this here because I will be your tutor and you will have access to me for questions as they arise, for advice and encouragement and also for extra information such as useful articles and recommended reading matter. This will make a huge difference to your learning experience. And it will help you keep your enthusiasm high until you are qualified.


In this course there is a lot of information so I have purposely divided the lessons into small sections that you can easily grasp without feeling overwhelmed. You need only move on to the next section when you feel ready – in your own time.


As graphologists we are committed to doing no harm.  We do not criticise and we do not judge or blame. You will find that many people feel vulnerable and exposed by their handwriting so they need to know that they are in trustworthy hands. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance. And if we can use our insights to help people – we try to do so.


You will appreciate that in order to give you the personal tuition that I have promised you, I can only accept a limited number of students. Once my allocated number of students has been filled all late comers will have to wait for my next intake of students. So if you are serious about studying don’t delay. It will give you a valuable lifetime skill.

Graphology Fundamentals
A Basic Course
Understanding Signs and Symbols in Handwriting
How to Identify the Signs in Handwriting
Knowing what these Signs Mean
How to apply your Knowledge to any Handwriting
About this Course
Comprehensive Graphology
The Complete Graphology Course
A Professional Qualifying Course
Includes Fundamentals + Applied Graphology
Assignments with tutor support
Certificate of Completion
About this Course