• Ugly Handwriting Secrets

    What are the implications of Ugly Handwriting? What secrets lie behind that unattractive style?

    Ugly handwriting afflicts many people and there are many reasons for it.

    You see, ugly handwriting often hides a number of personality issues.  Some good and some bad.

    You can’t simply sweep them under the carpet or hide them forever – they will squeeze their way out somehow – and pop up right there in your handwriting!

    Sometimes poor handwriting is an embarrassment to the writer.  And often it is accompanied by low self-esteem.

    But there is good news also.  You see, some amazing talents and personality strengths are often hidden behind ugly handwriting too.

    The interesting and rather strange thing is that many highly gifted people – and yes, even geniuses – have struggled with ugly handwriting.

    This appears to be because people with ugly handwriting tend to be rebels in one way or another.

    They are often pioneers in thinking. They refuse to conform to rules that restrict their wide-ranging and investigative minds. They live life and explore new ideas according to their own rules.

    I’m thinking particularly of Freud who had the most ghastly handwriting imaginable. Picasso was another great rule breaker. His handwriting was terrible but then his thinking was so original and pioneering that he changed the whole landscape of modern art.

    People like these break the mould not only in thinking but in many other aspects of life too. And there are many more like them.

    Maybe you are one of them – and if you are – you owe it to yourself to take note of what your handwriting is trying to tell you.

    It’s a chance to rethink your attitude – not only to your handwriting but particularly to what it means and says about you.

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