Articles & Insights into the world of handwriting.

The Benefits of Graphology in the Classroom

Graphology in the classroom

Graphology in the Classroom

Do you remember how you were first taught handwriting?

I do.  No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t form those beautiful, even letters as I was supposed to. But I did manage to produce my own version of handwriting that became the teacher’s much-used example of how not to write!

I didn’t know it then but it all comes down to a matter of individuality. Considering how children are taught to copy their teachers exactly, isn’t it strange how quickly they develop their own distinctive ways of writing?

Same classroom, same teacher but look at the huge variety of handwriting styles that emerge!

Individual differences pop up like mushrooms on a rainy day. We see how fine spidery hands nervously produced by the very sensitive, contrast with confident, athletic-type writing with thick firm strokes.

By the time these children reach the higher standards no one would guess that they were educated in the same city – let alone in the same classroom.

Today, with our enlightened approach to psychology we know that certain differences should be encouraged rather than stifled. But this is exactly where our educational systems fall short.

Individuality in Handwriting

Teachers are simply not educated to appreciate that a child’s individuality can be seen through the window of his or her handwriting.

We all know by now that left-handed children should not be forced to write with their right hands – it causes a lot of psychological damage. But how many teachers today realize that children should not be blamed if they cannot follow exactly the same stereotyped style of writing they are expected to copy?

All children simply do not fit into the same mould. In fact, it is highly possible that those very children with the most unruly and  ugly handwritings are sometimes the most creative and the most innovative. A fact that is appreciated by graphologists.

I was a teacher before I became involved with Graphology and if only I had known then what I know today I would have had access to a magical tool.

And if ever a magical tool was needed to tackle a school problem, the scourge of bullying is top of the list.

Bullying at school

When a teacher has some knowledge of graphology she has a tool that can help her to identify children with  personalities that are either dominating or vulnerable. It’s a tool that can help her to keep a protective eye on the most sensitive students in her class.

She can observe and understand the personalities of her students and intervene before problems occur in or out of the classroom.

Not only can she seek out the bullies in order to understand their minds and motives; she can also identify and protect those victims who are unable to protect themselves.

Graphology empowers teachers with an extra dimension of understanding that every teacher can only dream about.

This is how I put it in my introduction to “School Bullying:”

“As a parent, former teacher and experienced handwriting analyst I feel qualified to address this issue of bullying. And I do so with the help of handwriting analysis because I find it to be such a useful tool when dealing with interpersonal relationships of all kinds – both good and bad.

I have seen these problems at schools and I know at first hand what parents and teachers go through when trying to deal with them.

Of course, handwriting analysis alone cannot solve all the problems that our children face at school every day. But what it can do is help us to identify the youngsters who are potential bullies or trouble-makers.

And it can also help us to identify children who because of their sensitive natures or even unusual behaviour patterns are in danger of becoming the next victims of bullying.

An understanding of handwriting gives us insight into the mentality, emotional make-up and motives of these bullies as well as their victims.

Every bit of knowledge that we can get about bullying is an extra tool in our hands.”

Handwriting analysis is available for all teachers.

What a pity that so few recognize its real value!

Now read: Graphology for Teachers

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  • Leila
    March 24, 2017

    Thanks for this interesting article about graphology at school. I often look at my pupils’ handwriting – mainly because it’s so interesting, as you say here, to see the many varieties. I had a pupil recently who went through a phase of making her writing so small it could hardly be read!

    Do you think it’s possible to see things like Asperger’s Syndrome in handwriting?

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      Sandra Fisher
      March 24, 2017

      Hi Leila
      It’s so important for teachers to have some knowledge of handwriting analysis. Pupils who change their handwriting dramatically are clearly undergoing certain issues. And it’s important for a teacher to be aware of these things. A good teacher as you know can have a lasting and beneficial influence on a child’s life.

      With regard to Asperger’s Syndrome – I have no doubt that there would be certain telling signs in the handwriting. But they would be affected and influenced by the overall personality of the individual concerned.

      I invite graphologists who have had experience with this to comment and add to the conversation.

  • Nikita Agarwal
    May 28, 2020

    Please suggest a book on graphology for children.

    • Graphology World
      May 29, 2020

      Hi Nikita – I honestly don’t think that such a book exists.

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